Photo of alejandro garcia Venezuela

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From childhood, my skills were flourishing which gave way to skill gan creations in my hands, where he built wooden cars, wooden horses at an early age that as early as 8 years full plastic toys especially Pluto and Mickey Mouse drew his figure in plaster painted them and sold, that encouraged me to make molds with figures and animals and people without a teacher course was small and regular meetings with the help of my mother made me a mix of flour paste with water and heated to obtain a...

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118.11 x 157.48 in
118.11 x 157.48 in
18.11 x 21.65 in
18.11 x 21.65 in
192.91 x 248.03 in
19.29 x 24.80 in
10.63 x 20.47 in
314.96 x 472.44 in
21.65 x 30.31 in
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Photo of alejandro garcia Venezuela

From childhood, my skills were flourishing which gave way to skill gan creations in my hands, where he built wooden cars, wooden horses at an early age that as early as 8 years full plastic toys especially Pluto and Mickey Mouse drew his figure in plaster painted them and sold, that encouraged me to make molds with figures and animals and people without a teacher course was small and regular meetings with the help of my mother made me a mix of flour paste with water and heated to obtain a homogeneous mixture, which used to stick the papers one after the other and reach a large and finding the faces who make a mask and drew as a child master the technique of paper mache mold as cracionista to faces. already had in my arte.Dejo the gift of art and I get to know the hills and the sea my father Tabajara mining operations in copper mining company chile.Comienzo my studies and I am ready for painting and crafts teachers where I begin making sculptures in stone, melt lead and cast in molds using mold I built my hands and emptied them Deret taking the lead and carried beautiful sculpture contest schools, also took out the negatives of my face and went to positive with all that I was more prepared to mold and pour in plaster or similar materials and lead the cheapest. My father goes to Venezuela and what we nosoros time beyond 1979, the first thing I do is buy paint brushes, canvases and oils my self portraits, sub realism, painting with messages and with parts of a body that has cracks, hands , feet, head, nature, road and erupting volcano. what we now find that fu a premonition of my and my body. I leave the painting entered the university but not the end, I decided to get to know what I always full of emotion Know the jungle, I leave all my art and a backpack estudios.Tomo put my wet suit and leave just enough to know the life of a miner to be me who would experience their lives in difrentes types of activities and so iel years 1985 I\\\\\\\'m going to tepuy Guayana Bolivar state in Venezuela in search of diamonds with a group of people known lived moments of hunger and fighting for that site I will explore the jungle to a mining Cochano bullae of gold in Sierra Imataca rujir there conosi to the jaguar or tiger in the jungle was a lot of respect and fear explores time and go with a friend at the same time buzear a raft where we were taught and that he had never done that was in San Martin Turumba Anacoco the ezequibo Venzolano and Guyana were three months of living in the river that was the death at the hands, estubo buried under sand and leaves, cut hoses and malaria, which odicea leave after 12 years of explore and adventure difrentes decided to resume my art in 1999 and I began the painting done in various exhibitions such as the governorship UDO Bolivar city, El IPASME, Parador Turistico de Puerto Ordaz Ciudad Guayana.\\\\\\\'s Development technique in embossed leather and I work now with the face of Simon Boivar do sculpture of his face to getting hammered after long years my work. I will show in Artel. I also wrought iron sculptures in wood; carved it in marble faces with empty, my teacher was Venezula Silva compocicion Osbaldo space and paint his wife taught me enamel on metal today still increasing my knowledge and recovering years to know my status and living with indigenous communities. My talent and abilities increase with strength I\\\\\\\'m trying to get a form me and my expressions to show captured my dreams leaving protests and struggles to my mother earth gives us life I want to thank my parents and ancestor of whose talents of them feel in my body thanks to the DNA in my blood. Today exploded which remove most of them as the poet and writer of the Chilean national anthem Eusevio Lillo, his nephew and brother to my great-grandmother Idilia d lillo known in the year 1880 as the king of the wire the first hippy chile and make art especially in wire, my great-uncle Xavir filozofo Zubiri famous professor of Spanish Basque and my philosophy professor in Chile leave I leave a world to explore the mind have a different outlook on life and my thoughts and body control which in been subjected to death a child up to the same time when I leave big accident where my body was dragged to a restaurant and three great impact of my own cross wall vans dropping in and letting a whole crowd shouted no mori or pass out or hurt me always check what I experienced and learned in my life and knew\\\\\\\'re now cost me my life if I used my knowledge and with that I leave and enter fantacias my world and dreams and in process of a evolution.

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